Carrying The Body Part 2 / by Jeffrey Lo



ZAC and SIAH continue travelling as they carry Jesus in a body bag. They have been travelling for nearly a full day.


After some time, SIAH starts to get fidgeting.



I need to –



What are you doing?


                                                                                    SIAH’s fidgeting gets more intense.



I gotta –



Josiah, what is going on with you? You are making it really hard to hold onto –


SIAH makes a sudden, jolting motion. SIAH then freezes in an odd pose.



Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. OwOwOwOwwwwwwww!



What is going on?

















SIAH drops Jesus in a body bag. ZAC jumps and can’t help but to drop his side of Jesus as well.


Jesus in a body bag falls to the ground. 





Jesus’ arm has fallen out of the body bag. Neither ZAC or SIAH notice Jesus’ arm but we clearly see Jesus’ black. melanin-pumped arm hanging from outside the body bag.


SIAH limps around to try a d walk off his cramp.







Try to stretch it out.


Good idea.


SIAH begins to stretch. As he does so he begins breath loudly in the way a mother giving birth to a child would breath.



Hee Hee Hoo…..

Hee Hee Hoo….

Hee Hee Hoo….


ZAC takes a seat next to Jesus in a body bag. 



You tell me when you’re good to go again.



Hee Hee Hoo….

Hee Hee Hoo…

Hee Hee Hoo…


SIAH changes his stretching pose. It’s unclear if either pose has been effective.


ZAC closes his eyes. He takes a moment to meditate to the surprisingly calm sounds of SIAH’s childbirth breathing.


ZAC takes one deep breath.



ZAC takes another deep breath.



ZAC starts childbirth breathing in line with SIAH.


                                                                        ZAC and SIAH

Hee Hee Hoo….

Hee Hee Hoo….

Hee Hee Hoo….

Hee Hee Hoo….


                                                                                    ZAC opens his eyes.



Hee Hee Hoo…


ZAC looks to his side and notices Jesus’ arm hanging out.






Heeeeeeee. Heeeeeeee. Hoooooooooooo.


ZAC carefully puts Jesus’ arm back in the body bag and zips it back up.


ZAC sits quietly to the sound of SIAH’s breathing.


                                                                        SIAH (cont’d

Heeeeeeee. Heeeeeeee. Hoooooooooooo.

Heeeeeeee. Heeeeeeee. Hoooooooooooo.

Heeeeeeee. Heeeeeeee. Hoooooooooooo.






How you doing?



Better I think.





                                                                                    SIAH makes his way back to ZAC.



                                                            (Pointing to Jesus:)

How’s he doing?


                                                                                    ZAC shrugs.

SIAH approaches the body bag and unzips it. The two of them look inside. It is still shocking for them to see.





Jesus Christ…





Zip him back up.

Zip him back up.

Put Jesus back in the body bag.



You’re right.

J wouldn’t want us to see him like this…


                                                                                    SIAH zips the body bag back up.



Should we keep going?



Can you use a rest?



I can keep going.



Cause I can use a rest.


                                                                                    SIAH melts to the ground.



Thank God.



I think we need some sleep.


                                                                                    Right on cue, SIAH yawns.




I think you’re right…


ZAC and SIAH lie down on the ground.



This dirt is not very comfortable…



What do you expect?






You can always use the body bag as a pillow…



You’re terrible.


                                                                                    ZAC and SIAH chuckle together.


Then, for ZAC, the chuckle becomes much fuller laughter.





You know what else I could use as a pillow right now?






Jesus’ promo tunics.


                                                                                    SIAH bursts into laughter with ZAC.


Oh my God, I forgot about those…



Remember when he showed them to us?



AFTER he already got them all made.



Hey guys, look what I got made.

What do you think?

I figure we could help spread the word by giving away these tunics to potential followers.

You know?

Then they could wear them and folks who see everyone wearing these sweet tunics can be like – where did you get that tunic, brother?

And then the catch phrase can spread.

Just like the good news.

I think we could use a catch phrase.


                                                                                    SIAH laughs more.



A catch phrase on clothing…


                                                                        ZAC and SIAH

“What Would Jesus Do?”


ZAC and SIAH share an even bigger laugh.



It’s a good thing we made him burn them.


Who would wear something like that?

No one. Not even I would wear one of those.



We were trying to fill the world with good people not fill the world with a bunch of Jesus clones!



Could you imagine a world full of Jesus clones?



It’d be terrible.



Nothing would ever get done. It would just be people sitting down philosophizing and telling parable after parable after parable…



What a stupid catch phrase…



What a stupid idea. 

Hands down the stupidest idea J ever had…


The laughter fades to a sudden heaviness.



Well. Second stupidest idea.


That idea didn’t end with him dead.






Hey. Let’s get some rest. We have another long day of travel ahead of us.