Zac and Joshua / by Jeffrey Lo


You wanna see him too?






                                                            (Pointing to the cave:)




                                                            (Feigning ignorance:)

Oh… Jesus…

I forgot all about Jesus…

Have other people wanted to see Jesus?



Everyone wants to see Jesus.



When you say everyone, how many people do you mean?





There was one other guy.






That came here at least.






How did you know his –



What? What are you talking about? I don’t know his –

I wasn’t saying –

I was saying

Jo…soo… ah.






Mispronunced your name.

Sorry about that. Tongue got all weird.






You said the other guy’s name was –



Eh, not important.



Of course.



But I did agree to let him go see Jesus.



                                                            (Feigning ignorance:)

You did?



Yeah. I mean, I agreed to it as long as he was able to do this crazy thing for me.



What’s the crazy thing?



He said he’d get me THIRTY figs!






I know right? THIRTY! Hah!



That sure is a lot of figs.



Even if he weresomehow able to get me thirty figs I’d say it’s worth it.


                                                                                    ZAC pulls out a fig.



I only have this one.


JOSHUA freezes upon sight of the fig.









That’s a fig.






I love figs…



I’m seeing that.


                                                                                    A brief silence.




But you’re getting a ton of figs from that other guy.




Of course…

Of course of course. Can’t be getting greedy.



But I do have this water to help with your thirst.




I’ll tell you what.

I’ll let you in to see Jesus to thank you for the water.


You will?



But –






You have to wait for the other guy.



I have to wait for Siah?






I said – I have to wait? Siiiigggggh.



Yes. You have to wait.

That way, you two can go and pay your respects together and I’m only risking my job once!





Is that ok?


                                                                                    ZAC fakes thinking hard about it.


                                                                                    Suddenly, ZAC shrugs and throws

the water to JOSHUA.






                                                            (Opening the canteen:)




Sure, that makes sense.



Oh thank God!


                                                                                    JOSHUA chugs the water down.

                                                                                    ZAC watches him.


JOSHUA becomes suddenly aware that he is drinking all the water while ZAC does nothing.




Do you want some?



No, that’s for you. I’m fine.

There’s more where that came from.






Yeah, just let me know.





                                                                                    JOSHUA chugs more.



                                                            (Wiping his mouth:)

Thank you.



You’re welcome.


                                                                                    JOSHUA closes the canteen.





Hey Zachary.






Were you there?



At the crucifixion?





                                                                                    A long pause.

                                                                                    ZAC nods his head.



I’m sorry.






It looks like you were friends.



We were.



It must be hard to see something like that happen to a friend.






                                                                                    JOSHUA takes a swig from the




Can you tell me about it?

If you don’t mind me asking.

If it’s not too…

I didn’t go.

I didn’t have it in me to watch.

And plus, I knew I had to be here once it was over.

It’s just… I don’t understand.

I don’t understand why this needed to happen.

And I think maybe, if you tell me what it was like, maybe I can understand better.




                                                                        JOSHUA (cont’d)

Sorry. You don’t need to...