The Annoying Mr. Contradictory / by Jeffrey Lo

April 24 - The Annoying Mr Contradictory.jpg


MR. CONTRADICTORY stands at center.

He smiles at you.

He waives at you.

That bastard looks pretty damn smug and it’s really annoying.

Above MR. CONTRADICTORY, a projection reads:

“There is no such thing as a dumb question.”

MR. CONTRADICTORY: If I put this scalding hot pan on my face, will it hurt?

A buzzer sounds.

Above MR. CONTRADICTORY, a projection reads:

“All you need is love.”

MR. CONTRADICTORY: I’m so glad I can pay my rent and buy some food to feed my children with love!

A buzzer sounds.

Above MR. CONTRADICTORY, a projection reads:

“Slow and steady wins the race.”

MR. CONTRADICTORY: Wow, I’m so glad Usain Bolt has clarified what it means to be slow and steady! I had it wrong all along!

A buzzer sounds.

Above MR. CONTRADICTORY, a projection reads:

“Everyone’s a winner!”

MR. CONTRADICTORY: Oh good! So the San Jose Sharks have been champions all along!

A buzzer sounds.

Above MR. CONTRADICTORY, a projection reads:

“Our love will last forever.”

MR. CONTRADICTORY: Oh good, because I was thinking of having sex with about three of the people over at the bar.

A buzzer sounds.

Above MR. CONTRADICTORY, a projection reads:

“Race doesn’t matter.”

MR. CONTRADICTORY: Watch out! Be careful of that guy wearing a hoodie! Oh wait, never mind, that’s just Mark Zuckerberg.

A buzzer sounds.

Above MR. CONTRADICTORY, a projection reads:

“You can be anything you want to be if you put your mind to it.”

MR. CONTRADICTORY: If you put your mind to it and money to it and your privilege to it and your… I can keep going if you want me to –

A buzzer sounds.

Above MR. CONTRADICTORY, a projection reads:

“America is the land of opportunity!”

MR. CONTRADICTORY just busts out into laughter.

He laughs for a long time.

Like an uncomfortably long time.

MR. CONTRADICTORY: You don’t even need me to fuck with that one.