Think About Your Breathing / by Jeffrey Lo


A meditation retreat.

JEFFREY is sitting amongst a group of other people

MIKEY sits in front of the group.

MIKEY: Alright everyone. I’m going to lead us through a brief meditation exercise.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: Oh boy, I’m so bad at this…

MIKEY: Everyone close your eyes.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: Ok…

JEFFREY closes his eyes.

MIKEY: Now I want you to breath in…

JEFFREY breathes in.

MIKEY: Now breath out.

JEFFREY breathes out.

MIKEY: Now when you do your next breath in, I want you to hold it for ten seconds. Breath in.

JEFFREY breaths in.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: One… two… three…. God this is hard.

JEFFREY exhales early.

MIKEY: Don’t worry if you didn’t make it to ten, it can be hard…

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: shit did he see me?

MIKEY: Let’s try it one more time. Ten seconds. Breath in.

JEFFREY breaths in.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: One… two… three… four…

MIKEY: This time I want you to not think about anything. Clear your mind and think about the air you are holding inside your lungs…

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: six… seven… eight… nine…

JEFFREY exhales early.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: Shit it almost happened that time.

MIKEY: Now we’re going to continue to breath in and out but really take some time to just focus on your breath. Focus your heart. Your soul. Your energy. And your mind to the air you are breathing in and breathing out. Let’s do it together. Breath in.

JEFFREY breathes in.

MIKEY: Breath out.

JEFFREY breathes out.

MIKEY: And focus on the air.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: Focus on the air…

JEFFREY breathes in.

JEFFREY breathes out.

JEFFREY breathes in.

JEFFREY breathes out.

MIKEY: Good…

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: air…

JEFFREY breathes in.

JEFFREY breathes out.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: air…

JEFFREY breathes in.

JEFFREY breathes out.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: air…

JEFFREY breathes in.

JEFFREY breathes out.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: What should I eat for lunch?

MIKEY: Your mind might start to wander away from the air…

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: Shit!

MIKEY: Just gently. work your way back to the air…

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: air…

MIKEY: Breath in… Breath out… Air…

JEFFREY breathes in.

JEFFREY breathes out.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: air… 

MIKEY: Breath in… Breath out… Air…

JEFFREY breathes in.

JEFFREY breathes out.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: Cuban sandwich…

MIKEY: I know it’s hard. Just focus on the air…

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: How does he know?

MIKEY: Now just think about how you’re doing…

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: Terribly.

MIKEY: Don’t be hard on yourself.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: Amazingly.

MIKEY: But be honest.

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: … What!?

MIKEY: Just think about –

A projection above JEFFREY’s head: I can’t deal with this. I’m out of here!

JEFFREY opens his eyes and sees MIKEY looking right at him.



JEFFREY: I didn’t realize your eyes weren’t closed like the rest of us…



JEFFREY stumbles his way out of the meditation circle.