Carrying The Body / by Jeffrey Lo



Inside the cave.

                                                                                    ZAC and SIAH are walking, making

their way to Jesus’ corpse.



You turned the water into wine?





                                                                                    SIAH bursts into laughter.



What are you laughing at?



I just never thought that trick would end up coming in handy a second time. 


I remember when we were practicing the trick – it must’ve been like 3 in the morning and we hadn’t figured it out yet. I was so tired and I was like Dude. J dog. Couldn’t you think of something easier? Like… when am I ever going to need this skill?




And we needed it again. And again for Jesus…





Why did you think to give him wine?



I overheard your conversation.



Which part of it?



Most of it. But specifically the part where he said he had a drinking problem.

And that just a sip of a drink would set him on a tailspin.


                                                                                    SIAH stops walking.



Wait. Hearing that that guy had a drinking problem is what made you think to trick him into drinking?

That’s fucked up.



I’m not proud of it.



I didn’t think you had that in you.



I wish I didn’t have to do it but here we are.

Now come on Siah. We have to hurry up and get to the body.


                                                                                    Lights and sound shift.

                                                                                    ZAC and SIAH travel through the



Lights shift.

ZAC and SIAH are in front of Jesus body. For now, only ZAC and SIAH can see the body.


ZAC and SIAH stare at the body, stunned.





Suddenly, SIAH runs off to vomit.

ZAC doesn’t react. He can’t take his eyes off of Jesus.


ZAC starts to weep.

SIAH returns and stands next to ZAC.



                                                            (Screaming at Jesus:)









Zac what are you talking about?



Siah, why do you think Jesus did this?



To make a point?



To make a point? Or to give up.



Zac, what are you talking about?



Think about it. How many nights did we sit with Jesus while he screamed in frustration? Crying because we weren’t making any progress.





How many times did Jesus wish he could go back to his childhood. Before any of this responsibility fell on him.?



I mean, doesn’t that just make sense?



How many times did Jesus say he wished he was done? Done.



We all wished we were done.



And if we wanted to be done, we could’ve just left. No one would’ve noticed.

But how could Jesus be done?

How could Jesus finish the job without losing face?

The only way out for him was to die.

And he was so done that he didn’t care.





You don’t know that.



Then explain it otherwise.



He was just fucking around.



SIah –



Like he always did.



But did he ever fuck around about death?






Answer me. Did he ever fuck around about death?

About dying. Death for himself for us or for his enemies.

Did he?










Still, we don’t actually know.



But we have to do our best to make sense of it ourselves.

Cause God knows he’s not answering any questions.



I mean…






We don’t know that he won’t answer any –



Are you kidding me!?





You are ridiculous!



I’m just saying. We don’t know anything until we actually try it…



And what, exactly, are you saying we should try?


                                                                                    ZAC stares at SIAH.

                                                                                    SIAH clears his throat.

                                                                                    SIAH looks at Jesus’ body.



Hey J Man….


ZAC throws his arms up in air.


You’ve got to be kidding me. 



Zac and I over here were just, you know, wondering…

Cause, like, you didn’t really warn any of us when you did it…



                                                                                    SIAH looks at ZAC

                                                                                    ZAC shakes his head.

                                                                                    SIAH looks back at Jesus’ body.



Could you tell us, if you don’t mind…

Why did you decide you to be crucified?




SIAH stares at Jesus’ body.

ZAC cannot believe what is happening.





Yeah, I don’t think he’s answering.


                                                                                    ZAC slaps SIAH upside the head.






I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

Look, I’m…


I won’t do that again.

It’s just… 

After the day we’ve had so far, that was bound to happen.



Gosh. First giving the guy with the drinking problem wine, and now this – I’m learning a lot about who you really under all that… other stuff.



Are you ok?



That hurt!



Are you ok?



I feel betrayed.



Will you be ok?








Ok, well we better not waste any more time in here.


You’re right. Regardless of why he did it – the fact of the matter is he is dead and we need the world to believe he rose from the dead. Because whether or not Jesus wanted to die, he definitely did not want his work to go to waste.


                                                                                    ZAC somehow produces a body bag.




Is that a body bag?






Where did that come from?



I brought it with me. Our plan is to transport a dead body so I brought my body bag, what’s surprising?




You just own a body bag?









Learning so much about you.



Hurry up, let’s get him in here and let’s go before Joshua wakes up.



And then to the Narzo Cave.



The Narzo Cave…


                                                                                    Lights and sound shift.


ZAC and SIAH work to put Jesus’ body in the body bag. It’s not particularly graceful. Let’s be honest, it’s probably quite comedic. What’s important, is that we don’t actually see any part of Jesus’ body yet.


Lights and sound shift.



Does he fit?



Of course he fits, we just have to get him in the right angle.


                                                                                    Lights and sound shift.


ZAC and SIAH lift the limp body bag and travel outside the cave.


Lights and sound shift.



Do you want the top of the bottom?



Which side is heavier?


I don’t know, do you want the top or the bottom?




ZAC and SIAH try to lift the body bag but SIAH quickly puts it down.



Change my mind. I want bottom.