Siah and Zac and Joshua / by Jeffrey Lo



A nice  moment of understanding between JOSHUA and ZAC.


A moment that is broken by heavy panting and the return of SIAH.



I got them!!

                                                            (Sees ZAC:)

What are y –



                                                            (Interrupting SIAH:)

Who are you!?

Why are you here!?

Are you harmless!?



Why are you acting like this Z –


ZAC throws a rock at SIAH to stop him from saying his name.






Zachary! It’s ok. This is the guy I was telling you about.

The fig guy.


Josiah, this is Zachary.



                                                            (Extending his hand for a handshake:)

It’s good to meet you Josiah.


SIAH, extremely confused, shakes ZAC hand.






You were both friends of Jesus.



We were?









You know what? You do look familiar! That’s right! I recognize you Josiah!



Are you ok?



                                                            (Trying to force SIAH into understanding:)

It’s good to see you again JO-SI-AH.


                                                                                    SIAH finally starts to get it but.



Ugh – oh…

It’s ummm.

It’s been so long since we saw each other last Zachary.



Sorry about throwing the rock at you earlier.



Don’t worry about it.

I like it when rocks are throw at me.


SIAH picks up the rock and throws it on his own foot.



Ouch! See?



Yes… I see…


A moment where ZAC and SIAH stare at each other trying to communicate through their eyes but failing.





                                                                        ZAC & SIAH




Do you have those figs?






You said you had the figs.


I do!



Really? All 30?



Uh huh.



But how?


Not important. Just know that I have them.


                                                                                    SIAH produces the 30 figs.



That’s just…


                                                                                    JOSHUA starts to tear.



Are you… crying?



It’s just so beautiful to look at.



Figs make you cry?



He’s really hungry.



Oh, yeah, that makes sense.



Look at them!

There are so many of them!




You should eat them! They’re all yours!



I can’t wait!



Then don’t wait!

And now that you have them, I’ll just go and –


SIAH starts to make his way inside the cave.









One – you have to go with him.



With Zac?



Yes. He gave me water and I agreed to let him go too but I only want to let people in once.


                                                                                    SIAH shrugs.



Sure, ok.





And what?



I have to count the figs. Make sure you’re not shorting me.



Oh, of course.



It’ll only take a second.


JOSHUA gathers all of the figs and starts to intently count them.

ZAC pulls SIAH to the side.



Do you have all of the figs?



What are you doing here?



Do you have all 30 figs?



I thought you weren’t going to help me, but now you’re here.



Can you please just worry about that later?

Answer me, do you have all 30 figs?



I think so. Yeah.



You think so?



Look at them, doesn’t that look like a lot of figs?



You didn’t count them?



They look like a lot of figs!



Are you kidding me Siah? How long would it have taken to count to 30?



I’m pretty sure it’s over 30!





                                                                                    ZAC and SIAH look over at JOSHUA.



What is it?



That’s weird…


What’s weird?



I better count it again.



                                                            (Shift back to ZAC:)

You still haven’t told me what you’re doing here.



I have a plan. Follow me.



But what is the plan?



Follow me.

                                                            (Shift to JOSHUA:)

Hey Joshua.



Just a second, I don’t want to lose count…



Joshua –



Wait –






Oh. Uh. Sure.

                                                            (Looking embarrassed:)

I drank over half of it. Sorry.



No, no. I’m sorry. I told you to finish it and here I am asking for it back.

I just need a sip if that’s ok.


Of course.


                                                                                    JOSHUA hands ZAC the bottle.





JOSHUA starts counting again.

                                                                                    ZAC takes a quick sip of the water.



Huh. I was right…



About what?

                                                            (Returns the canteen back to JOSHUA:)

Here you go.


There aren’t 30 figs here…



Oh really…



There are 32 figs!





                                                                                    SIAH shoots ZAC a look.

                                                                                    ZAC mostly ignores it.



Well that’s great!



Do you want them back Josiah?



The 32 figs?



No, not the 32 figs! The first 30 are mine. I mean the other two.



Oh, um…










You should keep them. As a thank you from him to you. From both of us really. For letting us see our friend Jesus.



R… right.

A thank you for letting me see my boy Sussy.



Wow. Are you sure?














So… Can we?



Oh! Yeah, of course. I’ll just need help moving this rock.

If you don’t mind.






Not at all.



To be honest, that’s kinda why I wanted you to go in together.

This rock is a more of a three person job.

It’s a bit of a workout.


JOSHUA, ZAC and SIAH work together to move the rock blocking the entrance of the cave.

The three of them get a bit winded from it.



And there we are.

Your free to go.


ZAC and SIAH nod to JOSHUA and start to enter the cave.



Oh, guys.

Just be prepared.

I know he was your friend and…

He doesn’t look great.



                                                                                    ZAC and SIAH nod and walk into the



JOSHUA watches them off and sits back down and starts to open a fig.



Nice guys…


God I’m out of shape.

                                                            (Opening the canteen:)

Moving that rock just once has me all winded…


JOSHUA takes a sip from the canteen and his eyes immediately grow.



What is this?

This can’t…

I thought this was water.

I haven’t had a sip of…

Oh no…

I forgot how good this feels.

Oh no…

I like this…

I like how this tastes…

I like how this feels….

Oh no, oh no, oh no…

                                                            (In fear and excitement:)



JOSHUA starts to chug the wine from the canteen.