The Streets is Watching by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 8 2018 - The Streets Is Watching.jpg


Four people sitting in a line twiddling away on their phone.

They type and zoom and swipe away.

Deafening silence.

Actually the sound of iPhones tap tap tapping.

But other than that.

Deafening silence.


Then a fifth person enters.

They take out their phone and also sits in the line of four people.

There is only room for exactly four people though.

So that fifth person bumps the fourth person on their way to sitting.

The fourth person drops their phone.

The screen cracks.

The phone dies.

It’s tragic.


The fourth person picks up their phone.

They can’t believe it’s dead.

Maybe they gasp.

Maybe they cry.

Maybe they have a breakdown.

For lack of a better phrase – shit gets real.


They look around at the other four people.

They are all still just typing and zooming and swiping away.


The fourth person stands.

They are unsure what to do.

The fourth person now hears the silence.

The deafening silence.

Actually, the fourth person hears the sound of iPhones tap tap tapping.

But other than that.

The fourth person hears deafening silence.



Then suddenly.

The fourth person looks up and notices the audience in front of them.


FOURTH PERSON: Oh my… Have they been here the entire time? Hey, have you guys noticed the...

No one responds.

Tap… tap…. Tap….

FOURTH PERSON: These people are just like… watching us. They’ve probably been watching us for a while. Am I the only one who noticed this?

No one responds.

Tap… tap…. Tap….

FOURTH PERSON: Isn’t this like…. Weird? Or…. Wrong? Or…. Just an invasion of privacy? Do none of you care?

No one responds.

Tap… tap…. Tap….

FOURTH PERSON: Well, personally, I think this is some bullshit so… I’m just gonna…

Fourth person exits.

Tap… tap…. Tap….


Becca Exits by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 7 2018 - Becca Exits.jpg


MARK and REBECCA siting on chairs.

Except for Mark, Rebecca and the two chairs – the stage is empty.

MARK and REBECCA are facing each other.


BECCA: I love you.

MARK: What does that mean?


BECCA: It means that you have been a huge part of my life and I am a better person because of it.


MARK: I miss you.

BECCA: What does that mean?

MARK: It means that when you are not here with me, I can’t stop thinking about how much I need you.


BECCA: I’ve learned so much the past two months.

MARK: What does that mean?


BECCA: It means that being separated from each other has been a new experience for us and it was an eye opening time.


MARK: I want you to always be here.

BECCA: What does that mean?

MARK: It means I want you to prioritize our relationship ahead of your work.


BECCA: I want more.

MARK: What does that mean?


BECCA: It means we’ve been together for so long and maybe we’ve outgrown each other.

MARK: What does that mean?

BECCA: It means that sometimes people are right for each other at different times in their life.

MARK: What does that mean?

BECCA: It means that we are different people now.


MARK: I won’t let you.

BECCA: What does that mean?

MARK: I won’t let you.

BECCA: What does that mean?

MARK: I. Will. Not. Let. You.

BECCA stands.

BECCA: Say it again.


BECCA exits.



Story of my Life by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 6 2018 - Story of My Life.jpg


A stage with minimalist set pieces for different locales.

In between the set pieces: plenty of empty space, black painted floor, and dimmed light.


1 enters.

They start milling around the empty, dimly lit spaces of the stage.

Their head hangs low, they are having a bad day.

They have had many bad days in a row.

It’s been a bad few years, as a matter of fact.

1 keeps milling about. 

2 enters.

They start milling around the empty, dimly lit spaces of the stage.

They drag their feet. They are very tired.

They’ve worked too much this week.

Actually, in order to pay rent they’ve been overworked their entire adult life.

3 enters.

They start milling around the empty, dimly lit spaces of the stage.

They look around the space and the other people, looking furious.

Generally speaking they are a very angry person.

4 enters.

They start milling around the empty, dimly lit spaces of the stage.

They actually look kind of happy.

In fact, they look friendly.

This is a nice change from the other three folks. 

5 enters.

They start milling around the empty, dimly lit spaces of the stage.

They start walking around very quickly.

They are in a hurry.

A huge hurry.

When someone is living their lives at a normal pace, they are constantly thinking HURRY UP!

6 enters.

They don’t mill around the space but instead look for a spot for them to stay.

They move methodically and with great care.


1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mill about the space.

Just going about their day.

After a moment 2 puts on an apron and picks up a plate of food.

1 sits at a spot with a restaurant table and chairs.

6 finds a spot on the floor at center and sit down. 

2 puts the food on the table.

1 takes out their cell phone and takes a photo of their food.

The sound of a camera shutter.

Suddenly, they look to the audience with absolutely delight and happiness.

1: What would I do without my Monday Avocado toast? I live a #blessed life. So happy.

2, 3, 4 and 5 (As they continue to mill about): Post!

1 quickly shifts into their usual sadness and slowly eats their avocado toast.

4 walks up to 1. 

4: Wow, that looks really good!

1 (Not nearly in as good a mood as 4): Cool, thanks.

4: Have a great day!

1: Yeah.

2, 3, 4 and 5 continue to mill about the space.

5 stops at a coffee stand.

After a moment, 5 turns around, in a huge hurry, looking for 2.

5: Where’s my coffee!? 

3 spots where 6 has sat down and walks up to them.

3 looks at 6 condescendingly.

3: You want a dollar?

6: If you can spare it, I’d appreciate it.

3: What about a 5?

6: I’ll take what you are willing to give.

3: What about $100?

6: Oh that’s too much, I couldn’t take that.

3: No, it’s fine. Take the $100.

 3 hands 6 the $100 bill. 

4 sees 3 doing this.

 4: Wow, that’s a really nice thing you did there.

 3: I know, right?

4: Have a great day!

2 almost bumps into 3.

 3: What the fuck is wrong with you?

2: I’m sorry.

3: Watch where you’re going you fucker!

2: Ok, sure. I’m sorry.

3: What was that?

2: I said, “Ok, sure. I’m sorry.”

3: Ok? Sure? You’re sorry?

2: Yes.

3: Do you want to fight?

2: No.

2 leaves the situation and goes back to milling about the stage.

 3: Yeah that’s what I thought! Asshole!

 6 looks at the $100 in shock. 

3: Wait. Wait. Wait. I need you to – 

3 pulls out their phone and points the camera at 6.

 3: Just hold the money to your face and… smile. Yeah. Just like that. Oh are you missing your front teeth? I’m sorry about that. But yeah, just keep smiling though. Makes for a better – You know what?

3 decides to take a selfie with 6.

The sound of a camera shutter. 

3: There you go. Great.

3 suddenly looks at the audience and is the nicest person in the world.

3: Saw this poor poor person and thought they needed help. What can I say? Aren’t they lucky such a nice person ran into them? #DoingMyPartForABetterWorld

1, 2, 4 and 5 (As they continue to mill about): Post! 

3 sits next to 6, waiting for the likes to roll in.

5 is in an even bigger hurry than before. 

5: Sorry to bother but is my venti venti venti grande caramel macchiato with soy, an extra triple shot and four extra pumps of sweetener ready yet? I’m in a bit of a hurry.

2 (Not near 5 but doing their best): Coming right up!

5: You said that last time!

4 spots 2 struggling to get 5’s order to them. 

4: Let me help you with that.

2: Wow, thanks.

4: No problem.

4 takes the coffee from 2 and brings it over to 5. 

4: Here ya go.

5: Took ya long enough.

4: Sorry about that.

5: Yeah, whatever. 

5 takes out their phone and takes a photo of their coffee.

The sound of a camera shutter.

5 suddenly looks at the audience and sounds like a yoga teacher.

5: My morning cup of coffee. In our hectic lives, it is so important to take time, be calm, and breath. It’s true what they say – patience, is a virtue. #WordsToLiveBy.

1, 2, 3 and 4: Post!

 2 finds 4.

2: Hey, thanks for helping me out over there.

4: Don’t mention it.

2: It’s been a really tough day.

4: I can imagine. Well, I better go – hope your day gets better!

4 walks away from 2 and mills about the stage.

2 pulls out their phone.

2 suddenly looks at the audience and sounds positive instead of beaten down.

2: Worked three jobs today but so excited to be in the big city to pursue my dream of being a musician. All of mom and dad’s hard work to get their green cards and ensure raise me in America – that is what this is all about. And today, a good Samaritan helped me out at the coffee cart with an aggressive customer. #ThereAreGoodPeopleOutThere

1, 3, 4 and 5: Post!

4 stops milling about the space.

4 suddenly looks at the audience and is now a troll. 

4: Today I had to help an illegal because they were fucking up the simple task of getting people their coffee. If they can’t even get that right, what are they here for? #RealAmericansWeGetTheJobDone

1, 2, 3 and 5: Post!

1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 stare at their phones.

They constantly refresh their social media.

Retweets, likes, loves, all of it.

They want it.

As they continue to stare at their small screens, they meander off stage.


6 remains sitting at center, staring at their $100 bill.

Lights fade.


Mixed by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 5 2018 - Mixed.jpg


JORDAN driving MILES home from school.

A Donny Hathaway concert recording is playing in the background.





MILES: We learned about white privilege today.

JORDAN: You did?

MILES: Uh huh.

JORDAN: Like… in class? Or at recess?

MILES: In class.

JORDAN: In the 5th grade?

MILES: Uh huh.

JORDAN: … huh.

A brief moment of silence.

MILES: Since I’m half white, do I get white privilege?

JORDAN looks at MILES.

JORDAN thinks about it.

JORDAN: You know son, that’s a good question.


JORDAN: I don’t know. How about this - in 15 years, you tell me.


Stomp the Clocks by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 4 2018 - Stomp the Clocks.jpg


LES, in bed.

Suddenly, the soothing alarm on LES’ cellphone goes off.

LES: No. No. No. No. No. Please no.

LES snoozes the phone.

LES collapses back into bed.

A very brief moment of happiness.

Suddenly, a very loud old school alarm ringing is heard.


LES realizes something.

LES: Wait. What? What alarm is that?

LES checks their cellphone.

It’s still in snooze.

LES: What?

LES crawls all around the bed, under the sheets.

Looking for the culprit of the disturbance.


It’s not in the bed.

LES looks in the drawer of one of the nightstands.


LES checks the other nightstand.


LES pulls out an old school alarm clock.

LES: There you are!

LES doesn’t know how to turn it off.

LES: How do you snooze? Do you snooze? What are you?

LES bangs the alarm clock on the ground.

Nothing happens.

LES is bordering on panic.

LES: Where did you even come from!?

LES throws the alarm clock across the room.

The alarm clock explodes.

Quiet. Finally.

A final gasp of breath from the alarm clock.

LES: Don’t you dare –

The alarm clock dies.

Quiet. Again. Finally.

LES sighs in relief and gracefully plops between the sheets.

Suddenly, a more aggressive, loud old school alarm ringing is heard.

LES (from under the sheets): WHAT!? WHAT IS HAPPENING!? WHAT IS HAPPENING!?

LES emerges from the sheets.

LES: WHAT IS HAPPENING!? (With a sudden growl) WHAT... IS… HAPPENING!!!???

LES looks in the drawer of the nightstand.


LES looks in the drawer of the other nightstand.


LES’ breathing is becoming monstrous at this point.
LES is really starting to lose it.


LES jumps off the bed, throw the sheets everywhere, desperately looking for the clock.


LES throws the pillows across the room.


LES flies to the floor and checks under the bed.


LES emerges with another alarm clock.

LES (Yelling into the alarm clock as if it were someone’s face): WHO ARE YOOOOOUU!?

LES stares at the alarm clock.

Blood vessels have probably popped in LES’ eyeballs.

LES (Screaming in every possible intonation): NO! NO! NO! NO! (And perhaps a few more…)

LES stands up and drops the alarm clock to the floor.

Lights shift drastically.

Maybe we suddenly hear a voice over of “FINISH HIM!” from Mortal Kombat.

LES stomps on the alarm clock over and over.

Again and again.

And again.

Stomp... Stomp... Stomp...

Each time getting more and more aggressive.




The alarm clock finally dies.

LES’ breathing is deep.

LES’ eyes possessed.

There is no way LES can fall back asleep at this point.

But finally.


Then suddenly, filling the entire room, the loudest, most obnoxious alarm clock ring anyone has ever heard begins to echo within LES’ room.

The alarm penetrates her mind.

The alarm penetrates her soul.

The alarm breaks LES.

Tears start to pour from LES’ already bloodshot eyes.

LES screams and screams.

LES’ phone snooze has ended and begun to alarm again.

The sound of the phone’s soothing alarm tone is drowned out by the blood curdling harmony of the alarm clock ring and LES” scream.




I'm Doing Ok by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 3 2018 - Im Doing Ok.jpg


The break room of an office.

GREG is making a pot of coffee.

GREG tries to stretch and rub the soreness out of his neck.

GREG presses start on the coffee machine.




GREG, mug in hand, stares aimlessly at the coffee machine.




After some time, LISA enters.

LISA: Hey.


LISA: How are you doing?

GREG: How am I doing?

GREG actually gives this some thought.


LISA rummages through the fridge for her lunch.

GREG: Not too well if I’m being honest with myself. I slept on the couch last night and woke up with a stiff neck. I got into another fight with my daughter while I was dropping her off to school. That’s four days in a row. I tried to talk to my wife about it but she doesn’t care. She doesn’t really care about me in general, really. I think she’s going to leave me. That’s why I was on the couch. She might be sleeping with someone else but… who knows.

LISA emerges from the fridge.

She watches GREG confused as he continues.

GREG: When I got in today, I realized I forgot to finish the project that Deshaun gave me last week. He told me the last time I missed a deadline was my last chance so… I think I might be fired today.


GREG: And I just got a call from my mom telling me that when the hospital told her that my dad’s cancer was in remission, they were actually looking at the wrong person’s charts and they shouldn’t have taken a break from his chemo and it’s actually worse now so… I think my Dad is going to die… Umm… (Earnestly) Yeah. That’s how I’m doing. Thanks for asking.

LISA: Wow… You know you could’ve just said, “I’m doing ok” like a normal person…

LISA exits.



GREG looks off in the direction LISA exited.

GREG: … I’m doing ok.

The coffee machine buzzes.

GREG pours coffee into his mug.

Lights fade.


Why I Kissed Who I Kissed by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 2 2018 - Why I Kissed Who I Kissed.jpg

Why I Kissed Who I Kissed by Jeffrey Lo (Download PDF Here)

ABBY sits on the floor.

She is holding a stack of polaroid photos.

She looks at the audience and smiles.

She looks at the first polaroid for a moment then shows the audience.

ABBY: Him. At the school dance. Because I thought I should. Because he wanted me to. Because he was nice enough so I didn’t think I minded.

She sets the polaroid down. Next photo.

ABBY: Him. After school in the newspaper computer lab. Because he wanted me to. Because my friends thought I should. Because they all wished he wanted to kiss them instead of me so I couldn’t not do it.

She sets the polaroid down. Next photo.

ABBY: Him. In a bedroom at George’s party. Because he wanted me to. Because he heard I kissed the other guy in the computer lab and the other guy at the school dance so he thought he’d give it a try.

She sets the polaroid down. Next photo.

ABBY: Her. In her dorm. Because she wanted to. Because I wanted to so…

She takes a longer, fonder, look at that one before setting it down.

Next photo.

ABBY: Her. In front of the library. Because we finished our class project. Because we spent 47 hours together in 48 hours and only slept one hour and in that time realized we wanted to sleep together but were too tired to sleep together in that moment so… a kiss would have to do for the time being.

She sets the polaroid down. Next photo.

ABBY: Him. At the bar by the office. Because he was in charge. Because no one moved ahead unless he said so. Because it was clear that if I wanted to get ahead, he wanted to move ahead with me so… yeah. Me too.

She sets the polaroid down. The last photo.

She looks at it. She smiles. She glows.

She shares it with the audience.

She holds it to her heart.

ABBY: Her. In front of all of our loved ones. Because I love her. Because she loves me. Because it feels so good. Because it feels so right. Because we were promising to spend the rest of our lives together so… that’s how you end a wedding right?

ABBY keeps the polaroid to her heart.

Lights fade.


Questions by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 1 2018 - Questions.jpg

Questions by Jeffrey Lo (Download PDF here)

JAMIE and ADRIAN having breakfast at home.

JAMIE is eating granola, milk and orange juice.

ADRIAN is eating eggs, bacon and coffee.

They eat as they normally do, in comfortable silence.

Until –

ADRIAN: Am I enough?


ADRIAN: Why are you quiet?


ADRIAN: Am I enough?

JAMIE: What?

ADRIAN: Am I enough?

JAMIE: Why are you asking that?


JAMIE: Do you think you’re enough?


JAMIE: Don’t you think that’s what really matters?

ADRIAN: Don’t you think I want my partner to think I’m enough too?

JAMIE: Don’t you already know the answer to this?


ADRIAN (With even more force): Am I enough?

JAMIE: Are you attacking me?

ADRIAN: What do you mean, am I attacking you?

JAMIE: Do you see how I feel attacked?

ADRIAN: Why would you feel attacked?

JAMIE: Do you not hear yourself?

ADRIAN: Do you not hear yourself NOT ANSWERING THE QUESTION?


ADRIAN: Do you love me?



JAMIE: What has my life come to?

ADRIAN: Is that a difficult question?

JAMIE: How long have we been together?

ADRIAN: How is that relevant?

JAMIE: How is that not relevant?

ADRIAN: Should I go?

JAMIE: Are you kidding me?

ADRIAN: Does this sound like a joke?

JAMIE: Is that a rhetorical question?

ADRIAN: Can you think of any reason for me to stay?


Slowly, ADRIAN starts to stand up from their chair.

ADRIAN starts to leave –

JAMIE: Yes. I can think of a reason for you to stay.

ADRIAN stops.

JAMIE: Because yes, you are more than enough. Because yes, I love you… Obviously.


JAMIE: Can I have some of your bacon?


Prologue: The 2018 Project by Jeffrey Lo

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At the tail end of 2017, I heard an interview with writers Ta-Nehisi Coates and Bill Simmons where they likened the act of writing for a writer to training for a boxer. The more disciplined you are with it, the sharper you stay, the better you become. This inspired me to commit to writing a play a day in 2018. Much like the amazing Suzan-Lori Parks, I want to promise myself the time each day to stay present, stay focused and stay dedicated to my craft. Who knows if anything will come of these pieces after the fact, but I will be posting these plays each day of 2018 hoping to become a better artist and perhaps learning a bit about myself along the way. Here goes nothing.