The Streets is Watching / by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 8 2018 - The Streets Is Watching.jpg


Four people sitting in a line twiddling away on their phone.

They type and zoom and swipe away.

Deafening silence.

Actually the sound of iPhones tap tap tapping.

But other than that.

Deafening silence.


Then a fifth person enters.

They take out their phone and also sits in the line of four people.

There is only room for exactly four people though.

So that fifth person bumps the fourth person on their way to sitting.

The fourth person drops their phone.

The screen cracks.

The phone dies.

It’s tragic.


The fourth person picks up their phone.

They can’t believe it’s dead.

Maybe they gasp.

Maybe they cry.

Maybe they have a breakdown.

For lack of a better phrase – shit gets real.


They look around at the other four people.

They are all still just typing and zooming and swiping away.


The fourth person stands.

They are unsure what to do.

The fourth person now hears the silence.

The deafening silence.

Actually, the fourth person hears the sound of iPhones tap tap tapping.

But other than that.

The fourth person hears deafening silence.



Then suddenly.

The fourth person looks up and notices the audience in front of them.


FOURTH PERSON: Oh my… Have they been here the entire time? Hey, have you guys noticed the...

No one responds.

Tap… tap…. Tap….

FOURTH PERSON: These people are just like… watching us. They’ve probably been watching us for a while. Am I the only one who noticed this?

No one responds.

Tap… tap…. Tap….

FOURTH PERSON: Isn’t this like…. Weird? Or…. Wrong? Or…. Just an invasion of privacy? Do none of you care?

No one responds.

Tap… tap…. Tap….

FOURTH PERSON: Well, personally, I think this is some bullshit so… I’m just gonna…

Fourth person exits.

Tap… tap…. Tap….