Why I Kissed Who I Kissed / by Jeffrey Lo

Jan 2 2018 - Why I Kissed Who I Kissed.jpg

Why I Kissed Who I Kissed by Jeffrey Lo (Download PDF Here)

ABBY sits on the floor.

She is holding a stack of polaroid photos.

She looks at the audience and smiles.

She looks at the first polaroid for a moment then shows the audience.

ABBY: Him. At the school dance. Because I thought I should. Because he wanted me to. Because he was nice enough so I didn’t think I minded.

She sets the polaroid down. Next photo.

ABBY: Him. After school in the newspaper computer lab. Because he wanted me to. Because my friends thought I should. Because they all wished he wanted to kiss them instead of me so I couldn’t not do it.

She sets the polaroid down. Next photo.

ABBY: Him. In a bedroom at George’s party. Because he wanted me to. Because he heard I kissed the other guy in the computer lab and the other guy at the school dance so he thought he’d give it a try.

She sets the polaroid down. Next photo.

ABBY: Her. In her dorm. Because she wanted to. Because I wanted to so…

She takes a longer, fonder, look at that one before setting it down.

Next photo.

ABBY: Her. In front of the library. Because we finished our class project. Because we spent 47 hours together in 48 hours and only slept one hour and in that time realized we wanted to sleep together but were too tired to sleep together in that moment so… a kiss would have to do for the time being.

She sets the polaroid down. Next photo.

ABBY: Him. At the bar by the office. Because he was in charge. Because no one moved ahead unless he said so. Because it was clear that if I wanted to get ahead, he wanted to move ahead with me so… yeah. Me too.

She sets the polaroid down. The last photo.

She looks at it. She smiles. She glows.

She shares it with the audience.

She holds it to her heart.

ABBY: Her. In front of all of our loved ones. Because I love her. Because she loves me. Because it feels so good. Because it feels so right. Because we were promising to spend the rest of our lives together so… that’s how you end a wedding right?

ABBY keeps the polaroid to her heart.

Lights fade.